10 Most Modern Cities in the World, Filled with Skyscrapers

Technology and architecture are developing rapidly

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - People around the world are working to push boundaries and create great achievements, like the most modern city in the world. The following series of cities managed to make it happen.

These ten cities have used their forward thinking and innovative efforts in technology, architecture, urban planning, and social issues to become models of modernity. Here are ten of the most modern cities in the world!

1. As a superpower in smartphone, robotics, and automobile technology, Tokyo is renowned as one of the most developed cities in the world

2. Singapore has been ranked as the top modern Asian city full of glass skyscrapers and modern architecture

3. Tallinn is the city where Skype and Bolt started and the Estonian government has installed free wifi and implemented e-voting since 2007

4. Helsinki has made strides towards becoming a modern city with technological advances, social progress and modern Scandinavian architecture

5. Bangalore in India has shown tremendous growth in the IT sector due to the innovative spirit of its people

6. Shanghai is the most populous city in China and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. In addition, Shanghai is becoming an important economic zone

7. Seoul is one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced places in the world. Besides, a number of trends and fashions start here

8. San Francisco is America's center of technological innovation and one of the most socially progressive cities in America

9. London has always been a current force in the modern world and residents of London have the highest quality of life in the UK

10. Hong Kong has developed as a successful region by building and creating its famous skyline

The government and its people who continue to innovate in the world of technology make the cities above more advanced and modern. Hopefully the cities in your country can also be as advanced as the cities above.

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