6 Natural Tourist Attractions in Greenland that Amaze the Eyes

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - If in Indonesia the duration of fasting is only 13 hours, it is different with this Ice Island. Located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, Greenland apparently has a fasting duration of up to 21 hours, you know!

Even so, it seems that the people there will be fine, you know, guys! Considering that Greenland has tourist attractions that can make you forget that you are fasting. Instead of being curious, let's take a peek below the list!

1. Qornok

To reach Qornok, you have to take a 60-minute boat ride from Nuuk's capital, Greenland. But in the middle of the trip, your boat will be stopped and you are allowed to fish you know!

In addition, Qornok also has a classic old church that can be visited. Uniquely, in the attic of the church there is a mini museum, you know! Wow, that's really cool isn't it?

2. Prince Christian Sound

Yes, Christian Sound is the name of the Greenland waterway, you guys! To enjoy this tour, you must board the provided boat where this ship will take you to enjoy the view of the waterway.

You need to know, this Christian Sound separates the mainland from Sammisoq and other islands in the Farewell Cape Islands, you know! In addition, there is also a great view of the glacier below. Wow, are you interested?

3. Northeast Greenland National Park

This Greenland National Park has an area of ​​972,000 square kilometers and has succeeded in being the largest National Park in the world, you know!

In addition, here there are also some very unique fauna you know! There are musk cows, polar bears, walruses, and other mammals that are definitely hard to find in Indonesia! Interested?

4. Uunartoq

For those of you who are looking for a hot spring, Uunartoq is the answer! Even though it takes 6 hours to reach it, your tiredness will pay off many times after arriving.

Uniquely, even though Uunartoq is surrounded by mountains and glaciers in the water, this bath can still maintain a water temperature of up to 38° celsius, you know! Duh, this must be on the vacation list.

5. Sisimiut Museum

Who says Greenland doesn't have a museum? Here, one of the flagship museums is Sisimiut in the form of small colored houses.

Because of its location near the port, this museum offers an extraordinary view, you know, guys! In addition, here are also artifacts and ancient Saqqaq cultural settlements that you can visit. Anyway, it's historical!

6. Summit Station

Want to camp in the middle of the snow? Summit Station in Greenland can make your dreams come true!

Here, you can take a tour of the Artic Circle. This tour will take you to feel what it's like to spend the night in a tent in the middle of a stretch of snow - cold snow. And in the morning, predictably, your tent will be covered in snow - sticky snow! Do you dare to try?

Well, that's 6 tours in Greenland that you can visit. In your opinion, which is the best tourist spot to try?

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