10 Most Beautiful Fish Types in the World

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Fish, like other animals, are one of the staple foods for humans. Fish can be one of the pets in your home. Some fish are believed to bring good luck in your life.

Some people have better reasons to keep fish than other pets, such as dogs or cats. This is because of the beauty of this fish. Did you know that thousands of people around the world want to spend their money to preserve this beautiful fish? This fish is known as a genetic fish that requires special care and attention. Here are the 10 most beautiful fish in the world.

1. Mandarin Fish

First of all, this fish looks like a frog. The Chinese name for this fish comes from the color of this fish and is similar to the Chinese government costume. The standard color of this fish is blue, with orange stripes and other colors. Purple and green.

These fish often live near damaged coral reefs. The main food of this fish is larvae. He is a son. What about Isopods and Proto Shrimp?

In general, if the fish has scales, the mandarin fish has no scales at all, so this fish adopts its resistance and produces a smooth and fragrant liquid.

2. Juvenile Emperor Angelfish

This species of sea goddess is a popular fish among aquarium enthusiasts and photographers. The color and shape of this fish is usually the main attraction of this fish.

The habitat of this fish is usually close to coral reefs as deep as 1 to 100 meters in the sea. The color of this fish varies from level to level. Light blue. They are black and white, just like adults. There are blue and yellow stripes. These fish take 24 to 30 months to mature.

3. Clown trigger fish

When you look at this fish, you have to look at the bottom of this fish. This fish can grow to a length of 50 cm and cover a third of its head.

This fish can live to a depth of 75 meters and usually live in caves below 20 meters. The food for this fish is crab, shrimp, its shape is like a sack covered with rope. Although the mouth of this fish is small, it can break the shells of crabs and corals.

4. Lion Fish

If you find this fish in the Black Sea, do not try to touch it. Do not try to touch it as it can be toxic to the spine and cause temporary respiratory illness.

This fishing technique is very unique. Instead of using the poison in its body, the lion fish will approach its prey, catch the prey, and swallow it straight into its mouth.

This fish is not very poisonous, but its back and spine are dangerous and can cause severe pain to the touch. May cause numbness and pain. Sweating can cause shortness of breath or numbness throughout the body.

5. Clownfish

When the cartoon Finding Nemo came out in 2003, this fish became very popular. There are at least 28 species of yellow and colorful comedian oranges.

These animals usually live near lynx and anemones and resemble flowers but do not mix with poisonous leaves. This is because clownfish are resistant to dragon venom and are covered in thick mucus.

6. Symphysodon

This fish is known as discus and can be found in the waters of the Amazon River. Even this fish is quite popular as an ornamental fish in fish museums, but it is not recommended to keep visitors away. These fish require very clean water and sometimes higher than normal water temperatures. Eating fish alone is not enough because it is a carnivorous species. Beef liver is recommended.

Other fish have a larger shape, but this fish is flat or flat, but this fish is green. The color is red. Available in Brown and Blue.

7. Regal Tang

There's nothing wrong with remembering the fish in the cartoon “Finding Nemo”. This fish has a blue plaque. Featuring Pacific Blue Plaid. blue hippopotamus flower; Neat blue dress; There are many other names, such as Blue Surgery Fish and Yellow Tail Blue.

This fish is not difficult to control. This fish is high in oxygen in the water and is considered a delicacy, but is also used for prawns and prawns. It can be fed in the form of seaweed or seaweed. This fish is very active. So the fish museum should suffice. Otherwise, these fish can become stressed and die easily.

8. Moorish Idol

This fish has a distinctive appearance and the spine on the top of its body extends down to the tail. This fish is black and white. White and yellow and their dominant colors make them popular as museum fish. However, due to its short lifespan and sensitivity to water, it is often used as a substitute for other similar species.

9. Coral beauty

If you want to preserve ornamental fish, this fish may be just what you want. These fish are relatively easy to maintain. All you need is a coral reef or an aquarium with some algae or algae. For this type of fish, dried shrimp eggs and seaweed can be fed.

The longest recorded size of this fish is 10 cm. The color of this fish is usually dark blue on the head and back. Body parts sometimes purple, Available in Orange or Light Yellow.

10. Rainbow Parrot Fish

You may have read about parrotfish in the Tupidia article. The white sand of the Caribbean coast is a source of pollution for these fish. This fish has a strong beak to eat coral. The rest of the food is thrown into the sand.

Overfishing of coral reefs and coral reefs is an endangered species.

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