INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - The stork belongs to the Ciconiidae family. This bird has the physical characteristics of a large body, long legs and neck, and has a thick and strong beak. The stork's wings can be spread wide.
The stork's habitat is a warm climate. The stork's diet is usually small fish, insects, small birds, worms, and frogs.
The stork has a fairly large and wide nest with a diameter of about two meters. The nest built by the stork will be used for several years, even years.
The stork is also known as an animal that is faithful to its partner, so it is often used as a symbol of happiness in some countries.
Here are 10 unique and interesting facts about the crane for you to know, which are summarized from various sources.
1. The stork flies by applying the principles of aerodynamics
When flying cranes will apply the principle of aerodynamics. The crane sticks its head forward and its legs are pushed back. This hovering technique is used by the crane to save energy.
2. Poland hosts the Stork
Poland is home to about 25 percent of the world's stork species. The Polish people also love the bird very much, so the Stork can live well.
This love for the stork can be seen from the use of the Polish state coat of arms in the form of a swan.
3. Herd of cranes have unique flying habits
Storks have a unique flying habit, namely by forming a V formation. This formation places two birds in the front row and one bird in the back row.
Based on research, it is proven that this formation can save energy up to 71 percent of energy, so that flocks of cranes can fly even further.
4. Cranes are often used as origami models in Japan
For the people of Japan, the crane has a deep philosophical meaning. This bird is often used as a model in the art of paper folding in Japan (origami).
The results of the origami are then used for home decoration purposes, such as bedrooms, living rooms, and even windows.
The Japanese believe that if we are able to arrange a thousand origami on the windows of the house, then our dreams will be achieved.
5. Tongtong is the most endangered crane species
Based on research conducted, the Tongtong Stork is the most endangered bird species. This is because Tongtong Stork has the least number of storks compared to other types of storks.
6. Stork's beak can filter small food
The stork has a beak that is able to filter even small pieces of food, so that no food is missed.
This different way of eating is due to the unique shape of the crane's beak, where there is a kind of bend in the middle of the beak to make it easier to filter small food in the water.
7. The stork can stand for a long time on one leg
Despite having a relatively large body size, it turns out that the stork is able to stand on one leg for a long time.
In addition to reducing the feeling of cold caused by submerged feet, this one-legged standing technique is also useful for hiding the crane's feet, so that fish that are caught off guard will be easier to catch.
8. Mother Stork never feeds her child's fish
When the cubs are small, the mother stork will not feed her children with fish. The mother stork realizes this, because if she does this, her child will have difficulty digesting the hard fish bones. For food for their children, the mother Stork prepares food in the form of milk from her body's metabolic processes.
9. Cranes love to migrate
Cranes are known to like to migrate over long distances and for long periods of time. One of the reasons for the migration is to find a place with an ideal temperature, because extreme temperatures will be bad for their health.
In ancient times when humans had not yet invented an instrument to measure temperature, they would use the arrival of geese as a sign that summer was approaching, because storks were always looking for a warm place.
10. When the breeding season arrives, the female Stork will dance beautifully
When the breeding season arrives, all the female storks will perform an attraction in the form of a beautiful dance to win the heart of the male stork. After all get a partner, then the mating process is carried out.
Next, the female stork will go to a suitable place to lay eggs and collect branches to make a comfortable nest for their future young.
Thus 10 unique and interesting facts about the crane for you to know. Thank you for visiting and hopefully useful.
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