13 Sunrise Spots in Indonesia that You Should Capture

For nature tourism enthusiasts, chasing sunrise and sunset has certainly become a mandatory activity while on vacation. How not, the charm of sunrise and sunset only appears at certain times. Not only that, the charm of the sunrise is also often used as an attractive photo object for tourists and photographers. You need to set the time to be able to witness each of these moments at the right time.

However, you need to know that not all locations and highlands are able to capture the atmosphere of the rising sun. Fortunately, Indonesia is located on the equator, so there are many areas that can be used as a place to see the sunrise. Curious? Come on, find out the sunrise spots in Indonesia that you can visit!

1. | Sikunir Hill, Dieng

Sikunir Hill is located in Sembungan Village, Dieng, Wonosobo, precisely at an altitude of 2,306 meters above sea level. With this location, it is not surprising that this area has been named the highest village on the island of Java. Although quite high, Sikunir Hill is equipped with stairs to make it easier for tourists to get to the top. From the top of the hill, you can enjoy the beautiful golden sunrise with a panoramic background of the Dieng plateau.

If you are interested in seeing the charm of the sunrise of Sikunir Hill, come during the dry season around July – October. That way, the sunlight will not be blocked by thick fog or cloudiness. To enjoy this natural charm, you only need to pay Rp. 10,000, valid for local and foreign tourists. So, don't forget to capture every moment here!

2. | Mount Prau, Dieng

Still in the Wonosobo area, you shouldn't miss Mount Prau when you want to enjoy the sunrise moment. Located on the border of three regencies, namely Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, and Batang Kendal, Mount Prau has an altitude of 2,565 meters above sea level with a fairly gentle hiking trail. Therefore, this location is suitable for beginners to visit.

You can see the best sunrise of Mount Prau around December and January. In that month, the sun appears with a fairly clear outline. The yellowish red light blends beautifully with the blue sky and views of other Javanese mountain peaks, such as Mount Sumbing, Mount Sindoro, and others. If you want a more exciting sunrise hunting experience, you can camp around the Mount Prau area, you know!

3. | Bekol Savanna, Situbondo

As one of the mainstay tours in Baluran National Park, Savana Bekol can be the right destination to watch the sunrise. At first glance, the natural scenery presented by the grasslands here is similar to the wild landscapes on the African mainland. Not only that, if you are lucky you can meet a group of deer, partridges, and various other wild animals.

You can enjoy the sunrise view in two different locations. Apart from being at Savana Bekol, you can also watch the sunrise at the viewing post prepared by the manager. You just need to exert more energy to climb up the viewing post that is high enough. Well, can you imagine the beauty of the sun in this grassland area, right? Come to Sumberwaru, Situbondo, Banyuwangi to witness all its charms!

4. | Borobudur Temple, Magelang

Borobudur Temple is an area that you must visit while in Magelang City, Central Java. In addition to enjoying the cultural heritage of artifacts, you can also watch the panoramic view of the sunrise at one of the sites of the seven wonders of the world. In order not to miss the moment of sunrise, you can come at 04:30 – 06:00.

In addition to different visiting times, you also need to spend more around IDR 200,000 – IDR 350,000. The price includes entrance ticket, small flashlight, and snacks after getting off from Borobudur Temple. So, you are more interested in enjoying Borobudur Temple in a different way, right?

5. | Puthuk Setumbu Hill, Magelang

If you don't want to overspend, Punthuk Setumbu Hill in the Borobudur Temple area can be the right location to see the sunrise. Here, visitors can see the splendor of Borobudur Temple from a height and the beauty of the sun that appears behind Mount Merapi and Merbabu. This charm is what makes Punthuk Setumbu increasingly popular among tourists, including photographers.

From the parking area at the foot of the hill, you have to walk about 15 minutes to reach the top with the available stairs. The peak of Punthuk Setumbu Hill itself is in the form of a large courtyard surrounded by a guardrail. There are also houses on stilts, gazebos, and wooden chairs that you can use while waiting for sunrise. Don't forget to prepare IDR 15,000 as an entrance ticket, OK!

6. | Mangunan Fruit Garden, Yogyakarta

Jogja has never lost its charm, not least for hunting sunrises. Another location that you can visit is the Mangunan Fruit Garden in Dlingo, Bantul. The orchard which was built in 2003 is located at an altitude of about 200 meters above sea level, the right location to see the charm of the sunrise. You can go to the top of the garden to see the sunrise with the background of the garden and the river which is on this 23 hectare land.

To reach Mangunan Fruit Garden, you need to take about 1.5 hours drive from downtown Yogyakarta. If you want to see the charm of the sunrise, you can come from 04:00 so you don't miss every moment of its beauty. Ticket prices are also very affordable, which is IDR 5,000 per person.

7. | Ratu Boko Palace, Yogyakarta

You can find another best sunrise spot at Ratu Boko Palace. Located about 3 km from Perambanan Temple, this historical site is filled with temple ruins on top of a hill. Here you can catch a magical and beautiful impression on every Ratu Boko Palace building that still stands strong today.

In addition to historical sites, at Ratu Boko Palace you can also get very beautiful views of the sunrise and sunset. Want to prove yourself? You can come around 04:30 – 05:00 to capture the sunrise. To enter this tourist spot, you need to pay a ticket for IDR 25,000 for adult visitors and IDR 15,000 for visitors aged 2-12 years.

8. | Mount Kerinci, Jambi

For those of you who like to climb, there is nothing wrong with visiting Mount Kerinci, Jambi. With a height of 3,805 meters above sea level, Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia. This status is certainly supported by the various natural charms that Mount Kerinci has to offer, such as dense forests, habitats for various wild animals, to turquoise craters.

Not only that, the mountain can certainly be the right location to see the sunrise. Especially at Mount Kerinci, you need to spend the night camping so you don't miss the sunrise moment. That way, you can see the reflection of sunlight behind the clouds that cover the peak of Mount Kerinci. So, don't forget to prepare your climbing equipment and physical condition!

9. | Lake Toba, North Sumatra

In addition to being the largest lake in Southeast Asia, Lake Toba also offers a variety of charms that you should not miss. The natural beauty, rich historical values, and charming architecture in this area are the main attraction for local and foreign tourists. Not to forget, this lake is also one of the best sunrise spots in Indonesia.

Actually, almost all areas on Lake Toba can be used as a spot to see the sunrise. However, you can get the best view at the Tele Tower. This tower is on the hillside path between Pangururan to Sidikalang. The entrance ticket to this tower is quite affordable, which is IDR 5,000 for adults and IDR 2,000 for children. Very interesting, isn't it?

10. | Mount Rinjani, Lombok

Turning to central Indonesia, you can visit Mount Rinjani to see the beauty of the sunrise. As the 2nd highest volcano in Indonesia, Mount Rinjani has an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level. You don't need to doubt the charm this area has to offer. Starting from the savanna, craters, waterfalls, to hot springs you can find on Mount Rinjani.

Satisfied with enjoying these various charms, you certainly can't miss the sunrise moment at the top of Rinjani. The sunlight will be more beautiful with the background of Segara Anak and Mount Barujari that you can see from the top. Even so, you can only spend 20-40 minutes at the top because the air temperature is quite low. So, stay careful while watching the sunrise!

11. | Sumur Tiga Beach, Aceh

Aceh is known to have very beautiful marine tourism, as well as the charm of the sunrise. One of them, you can visit Sumur Tiga Beach in Sabang. The beauty of this white sandy beach is often juxtaposed with beaches in the Hawaiian area, you know! The position of the beach facing east allows visitors to see the charm of the sunrise.

After seeing the sunrise, you can do other interesting activities on this beach. Starting from surfing, diving, to snorkeling are some exciting activities that you can try. To make it more meaningful, don't forget to capture every moment at Sumur Tiga Beach!

12. | Sanur Beach, Bali

You can find other sunrise spots in Indonesia on Sanur Beach, Bali. For those of you who are vacationing on the Island of the Gods for the first time, Sanur Beach can be reached for 40 minutes by driving from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. The location of this beach is still in the tourist area of ​​Sanur in South Denpasar District.

To watch the sunrise, you can come at 05:00 – 06:00. At that time, you can see a yellowish light shining on the white sand and rocks around the beach. This charm has also succeeded in attracting local and foreign tourists to continue to visit. Want to be one of the witnesses to the beauty of the sunrise at Sanur Beach?

13. | Mount Bromo, East Java

Another popular sunrise spot that you should not miss is Mount Bromo, East Java. To get to the location, you need to use a Jeep or motorbike trail. The reason is, the path to be traversed is winding and quite steep, so it requires a vehicle that is strong enough. In order not to miss the moment of sunrise, you can start climbing at 03:30.

At an altitude of 2,329 meters above sea level, you can watch the sun rise behind a collection of clouds with the background of Mount Bromo. For a comfortable viewing, be sure to wear a thick jacket, hat, gloves and socks. In addition, you can use the services of a guide to explore the Mount Bromo area.

What are you waiting for? Instead of just imagining the beauty of the sunrise, immediately plan your trip to witness its charm at the sunrise spot in Indonesia. However, remember to always keep your body in shape when hunting for the sunrise. One more thing that you should not forget is the camera to capture every beauty of the sunrise. Welcome to witness the beauty of Indonesian sunrise!

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