8 Most Beautiful Nature Destinations in Switzerland

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Who doesn't want a vacation to Switzerland? Even though it is known as the country with the most expensive cost of living in the world, it doesn't stop travelers from visiting it. One of the strong reasons why this country is worth visiting is because of its natural attractions.

You will be spoiled by the beauty of snowy mountains, lakes, and waterfalls. Come on, check out the recommendations for the most beautiful natural tourist destinations in Switzerland below!

1. Valle Verzasca

Valle Verzasca

Valle Verzasca is a valley with a beautiful river flowing over it. The combination of large rocks in the river whose water is clear turquoise with the valley walls on the right and left creates a stunning landscape.

2. Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne

There are many ways to enjoy the beauty of Lake Lucern, the fourth largest lake in Switzerland. You can take a leisurely boat ride around the lake, on the shores of the lake, or climb one of the hills that surround it and view Lake Lucern from a height.

3. Mount Pilate

Mount Pilate

The Alps that stretch from west to east of Switzerland make this country has dozens of snowy mountain destinations with their own uniqueness. One of them is Mount Pilatus.

Although the height of this mountain is only 2,128 meters above sea level, from the top of Mount Pilatus, you can see the 73 peaks of the Alps from a distance.

4. Mount Matterhorn

Mount Matterhorn

You may be familiar with the pyramidal peak of Mount Matterhorn. The view of this mountain from a distance is believed to be the mountain listed on one of the famous Swiss chocolate brands.

If you like to climb mountains, you can really climb Mount Matterhorn. However, if you prefer the more convenient way, you can take a cable car that will take you to the highest station in the Alps.

5. Jungfraujoch


At about 3,463 meters above sea level, Jungfraujoch is often referred to as the Top of Europe. As a perpetual snow basin flanked by two high mountains, namely Moench and Jungfrau, this tour offers the most beautiful views.

6. Rhine Falls

Rhine Falls

Rhine Falls in the cities of Zurich and Schaffhausen. The height of this waterfall reaches 23 meters with a width of 150 meters.

You really can't play in the water under Rhine Falls, because the water discharge is very heavy. However, you can enjoy this waterfall by taking a boat that will approach the waterfall. There is also an observation deck to view the Rhine Falls from above.

7. Mount Pizola

Mount Pizola

Although the glaciers at Mount Pizol have been shrinking due to climate change, the beauty of this spot has not diminished in the slightest. It is evident from the number of tourists from various countries who still climb to Mount Pizol.

A small lake on top of a turquoise mountain is an object that doesn't make you bored. This eye-pleasing landscape is guaranteed to make your hiking agenda to Mount Pizol even more excited.

8. Staubbach Waterfall

Staubbach Waterfall

The location of the Staubbach waterfall is predicted to be like a fairy tale. Many houses of typical European rural residents are located around this 297 meter high waterfall. The meeting of the waterfall with the valley below forms a small river that is very beautiful and clear.

Well, that's the recommendation of the most beautiful natural attractions in Switzerland. Plan a budget from now on if you are serious about having a vacation to this Alpine country, yes!

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