5 Deadly and Dangerous Electricity-Producing Animals

Electricity-producing animals are generally used for hunting and defending themselves from enemies.

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Electricity-producing animals are one of the many unique and strange species that live in the world. This phenomenon is called bioelectrogenesis. The term describes the electrophysiological power generation in living organisms.

Some of these animals have the ability to generate electricity strong enough to be said to be dangerous. Usually, this ability is used to hunt prey and defend themselves from enemies or threats. Reporting from the World Atlas, here are some deadly electricity-producing animals.

1. Electric Ray Fish

This type of animal is a bony fish that belongs to the Torpediniformes group. It is known that there are about 69 types of electric light fish.

The ability of this Electric Rays Fish can generate electricity that can shock its prey. Also, as a self-defense system. This fish is capable of releasing electricity about 8 to 220 volts.

2. Electric eels

This eel is the only species of Electrophorusgenus and is known for its ability to generate electricity. These animals are commonly found in the freshwater Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America.

Despite its name, this type of eel is actually considered a knife fish. With a cylindrical body and dark brown gray dorsal surface and yellow or orange underside. In addition, its mouth is square at the tip of its snout.

The Electric Eel has 3 pairs of organs in its stomach that can generate electricity, namely the main organ, the Sach organ, and the Hunter organ. The electric organ is made of electrolyte and is used to shock its prey.

When the eel detects prey, the brain sends signals via nerves to its electrical organs. The ion channels will be opened and flow of sodium ions will reverse the polarity momentarily. Although the electrical power generated is not as large as other animals, there have been recorded deaths for humans.

3. Black Ghost Blade Fish

This type of fish inhabits tropical freshwater habitats in South America, including the Amazon basin. Giving this name because of the color that is all black except on the nose and part of the tail.

Apteronotus Albifrons can reach a maximum length of about 50 cm. He has electrical organs and electro-receptors distributed throughout his body. This type of fish uses electrogenic and electrosensing abilities to find larvae or insects for food.

In addition to hunting prey, the ability to generate electricity is also used to communicate with each other and also for electrolocation.

4. Electric Catfish

The electric catfish belongs to the Malapteruridae group which has 19 different types. Many of these species generate up to 350 volts of electricity. Usually, these fish are found in tropical Africa and the Nile River.

They are nocturnal and carnivorous. Its prey is anchovies, fish eggs, detritus and invertebrates. The electric catfish uses its electrical abilities to shock its prey.

The ancient Egyptians used electric shocks to treat arthritis pain. However, the chosen one is a small fish because an adult electric catfish can generate a large amount of electricity.

5. Northern Stargazer Fish

This type of fish can be found on the east coast of the United States between New York and North Carolina. Astroscopus guttatus can be found at depths of up to 60 meters with blackish brown body features and spots on the neck and back.

Its mouth is facing upwards and allows it to ambush its prey suddenly. This type of fish is also an animal that produces electricity with the presence of electric organs in the orbit. This ability is used to hunt prey and defend themselves.

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