Top 15 Things to Do in Jerusalem

Here are 15 of the best tourist attractions in Jerusalem that you can reference before visiting Israel's capital.

1. | Damascus Gate

The Damascus Gate is one of the best tourist attractions in Israel which is located on the northwestern wall of the city. This gate is also known as one of the main entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem. This gate is also very impressive to look at with its beautiful crenulation and the two towers flanking it.

2. | Mahane Yehuda Market

This market, dating back to Ottoman times, is stocked with everything from fruit and vegetables to pastries and fresh juices. Apart from that, one of Israel's best tourist attractions in Jerusalem offering an authentic view of life in the Holy City, Mahane Yehuda Market has many sections inside; some alleys are home to butchers while others are clothing stores and coffee sellers. At night, this market changes and lots of people come here for the great restaurants and bars.

3. | Mount of Olives

Mount of Olives or better known as Mount of Olives is a top tourist attraction in Jerusalem and is located outside the Old City section. From the hillside, there are views of the shimmering Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock. Apart from being a beautiful place, this hill is also a historical and religious site; it is home to a large Jewish cemetery and many churches can also be seen here and there, such as the beautiful Russian Orthodox Church.

4. | The Jaffa Gate

One of Israel's top attractions in Jerusalem dates back to 1538. The Jaffa Gate opens to the Christian Quarter on one side and the Armenian Quarter on the other, and you'll find a constant stream of pedestrians flowing under this historic gate.

5. | Church of All Nations

This church is a historic site located on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. It is named the Church of All Nations because many different countries have donated various mosaics and other knick-knacks for this church.

6. | Tower of Daud

One of Israel's top attractions in Jerusalem offers some of the best views of the Old City and is a great place to visit. Several archaeological finds date back more than 2000 years. The tower also houses a museum, which displays 4000 years of Jerusalem's history through interactive exhibits, holograms and maps.

7. | Dome of the Shakhrah

The Dome of the Shakhrah is one of the most famous landmarks in Jerusalem which sits atop the Temple Mount. Built between 688 and 691, the temple is home to stone slabs from which Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

8. | The Temple Mount

The Temple Mount is one of the most contested pieces of land in the world. This is because, on this hill is the Al Aqsa Mosque, and the holiest site in Judaism. This is where the First and Second Temples were founded. Wandering the ancient limestone pavements of a large spruce complex is a fun activity you can do, even though thousands of years of conflict have plagued it. At the top of this hill, you can see the Dome of the Shakhrah with its iconic golden dome.

9. | Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall is the holiest site in Judaism which is worth visiting. The site is often known as the Wailing Wall, because Jews throughout the ages have come here to mourn the destruction of the temple in AD 70.

10. | Church of the Holy Sepulcher

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is believed to be the site where Jesus was crucified and later rose from the dead. The church which is also Israel's best tourist attraction in Jerusalem is always filled with pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.

11. | Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem is a monument to those brutally murdered during the Holocaust. This place itself is on the slopes of Mount Herzl, and will take you through the horrific atrocities committed by the Nazis. Seeing all the photos of people who died in the 'Hall of Names' is an emotional experience that you will never forget.

12. | The Garden Tomb

This magnificent garden dates back to the 8th – 7th century BC and some Christians believe that it was there that Jesus was buried and later rose from the dead. As a result, many pilgrims and tourists from all corners of the world come to visit this park.

13. | Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa is believed to be the road on which Jesus walked during His crucifixion, this 'Road of Sorrow' is a historic road that traverses the Old City of Jerusalem. Starting at the Lion's Gate, pilgrims and tourists can retrace the steps of Christ, ending at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where Jesus is believed to have been crucified.

14. | Jewish Quarter

During the Arab–Israeli war in 1948, parts of the Jewish Quarter were bombed and destroyed. However, the area has been redeveloped, and gives it a newer feel than many other parts of the city.

15. | Israel Museum

The museum, which is also one of Israel's best tourist attractions in Jerusalem, opened in 1965. In this museum, there is a historic collection dating back more than 500 years in the fields of art and archeology. When visiting the archaeological gallery section, you will find many artifacts found in this region, and items from the Islamic world, the Italian Middle East, and Greece are all represented. The famous Dead Sea Scrolls are just one of the many collections of historical objects you can find.

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