Papua's Best Beach Tourism Destinations

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Even though it is located at the eastern tip of Indonesia, if you have talked about Papua's Best Beach Tourism, this area holds great recreational power. Her beauty is even called entry into a high-class recreational group that presents an unusual experience.

Not only lakes and valleys, you know, the beauty that is defined here includes destinations in the coastal lands of Papua. Want to know what is the most beautiful beach in Papua that can make your heart interested?

Triton Bay Beach

Teluk Triton Beach is in a territory that is predicted to be the “2nd Raja Ampat” in Papua. Covered by a series of coral islands, this beach offers a green panorama. Above it was a thriving jungle with freely spreading leaves.

It's not strange, if when you arrive here, the first thing you want to experience is the cold impression of its beautiful nature.

Talking about waters, this beach has a clear but shallow sea range, making it perfect for swimming. You can see coral reefs with various types of shapes and colors, you don't have to go too far into the middle of the ocean. However, this beach is not suitable for a family vacation because the facilities are not sufficient.

Amai Beach

Amai Beach as one of the suitable locations to warm the body while invigorating yourself with the unique fragrance of the Pacific Ocean. The area is quite far from the city center, about 2 hours drive. However, it can be done by driving a car.

On Amai beach, the panorama is dominated by a fairly wide stretch of sand and the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean. Around it, several trees soar and cover almost all the beach area. If you come here, don't forget to enjoy the freshness of the water by swimming.

Bosnik beach

This beach is about 45 minutes drive from the city center. It's not strange, connecting to this beach feels pretty easy because you just have to follow the highway that extends next to the beach.

The best time to visit this beach is in the afternoon. Because, at that time the Bosnik beach will look exotic with orange hues that are reflected through the mega.

But, coming to him during the day is not wrong. You can do several things, from walking, playing in the sand, to swimming. You can also feel a gust of wind that is not too strong from the gazebo beds that line up neatly facing the ocean. Interestingly, the gazebo offers a panoramic view of the Owi and Auki islands

Cape Cassowary Beach

Tanjung Kasuari Beach is like an oasis in the middle of the crowded city of Sorong. This beach has a natural panorama. The coast is filled with locals who bother to offer drinks and food.

But apart from being able to fill your stomach, you can also go around the beach using a boat that can be chartered for some people. Choosing to stay silent on the coast can also be an accurate option. Here, you can sunbathe while making attractive vacation photos to upload to social media. How, interested in there?

Harlem Beach

Papua still has other marine recreation destinations that invite admiration. It is Harlem beach which can be done within approximately 2 hours drive from the urban center of Jayapura. This beach is filled with warm locals, one of whom is not even reluctant to say 'welcome' to travelers who come to visit.

Pica Rock Beach

Batu Pica Beach is dominated by sharp rocks. The waters are not referred to by some diving enthusiasts because they are decorated by quite fierce waves. Every time the patter hit the rocks, there was a characteristic sound that broke the silence.

Antiquely, this beach which is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean has a stretch of green grass adjacent to small pools, you know. Really beautiful isn't it?

White sand beach

Location of White Sand beach : Jl. White Sand, White Sand, East Manokwari, Manokwari Regency, West Papua 98313.

This beach in West Papua offers a wide stretch of white sand as far as the eye can see. The granules are soft and clean from trash so they are comfortable to explore.

Arriving here is most convenient to do in the afternoon. In the afternoon, you can relax on the stretch of sand while enjoying the beautiful sunset view, accompanied by coconut water that gives freshness.

Bakaro Beach

Bakaro beach location: Sunsweni, West Manokwari, Manokwari Regency, West Papua 98313.

Located adjacent to the White Sand beach, Bakaro beach has a different character. The coast is covered with rocks that allow you to explore to the middle of the sea. When you step on the rocks, you can see the fish join the fight for food.

The water is clear and feels fresh when it touches the skin, really suitable for those of you who need refreshing.

Sinokisi Beach

Sinokisi Beach combines two beautiful natural ranges, namely a stretch of white sand and the Pacific ocean. Both of them are beautiful and look harmonious in a fairly long coastline.

Equipped with several cottages that can be used as a place to stay, this beach is a favorite of many people. However, to reach it you need to take a boat for 30 minutes from Depapre Harbor.

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