Extreme Tourist Destinations in the World That Adrenaline Addicts Must Visit


INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Most people travel because they want to take a break from their daily routine by enjoying the sights or doing other fun things. But apparently for some people, leyeh-leyeh activity is not enough. Especially for those who like adventure and looking for new excitement in each trip. Traveling not only provides entertainment but must also involve challenging and adrenaline-pumping activities. So that even the usual tourist attractions may be unsatisfactory. If you are one of the adventurers who likes to look for exciting activities, it seems that the following 5 extreme tourist destinations will definitely get you excited and ready to get your adrenaline pumping.

1. Adventure to the world's tallest waterfall, Angel Falls, Venezuela


The location of Angel Falls is very challenging, which is in the forest in isolated Venezuela and is not easy to reach. But that does not prevent this place from becoming one of the most famous tourist destinations in Venezuela. Not only beautiful, Angel Falls waterfall also holds the title as the highest in the world, with a height of 3,212 feet, and has a quarter mile of rapids or small sloping waterfalls. Although it takes more courage and effort, it will all pay off once you see a waterfall that is so amazing with high cliffs and green wilderness.

2. Climb the world's steepest mountain peak, Mount Thor, Canada


Mount Thor is not the highest mountain. The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest at 20,000 feet, while Mount Thor is only 5,495 feet. However, this one mountain has the steepest peak in the world. The peak, which is made of pure granite, has a vertical ravine 4,101 feet high with an angle of about 105 degrees. How steep isn't it? Although it is quite remote, this mountain is very popular among climbers. But even if you are not a climber, you can still camp and enjoy the stunning scenery.

3. Kayak with whales in Alaska


For those of you who like sea adventures, of course, you are familiar with the beautiful scenery under the sea. However, do you have the guts to come into direct contact with the largest marine mammals while kayaking? If so, you must visit Alaska and try a kayaking adventure with whales in the Alaskan ocean. Who doesn't want to take pictures with whales in the middle of the ocean with a beautiful backdrop behind? Although according to scientists these whales do not like to attack humans, but their very large size is certainly enough to make the guts shrink.

4. Bungee jumping in a volcanic crater, Chile


If bungee jumping from a high cliff still feels normal to you, now is the time to try bungee jumping over a volcano with a crater filled with hot lava bursts. It's sure to get your adrenaline pumping by experiencing a volcano bungee on a volcano near Pucon, Chile. A helicopter will take you up the mountain, and you must jump from the helicopter towards the caldera below. Absolutely extreme!

5. Camping with emperor penguins in Antarctica


Antarctica is indeed the place for everything that is extreme, from the coldest temperatures, the strongest winds, to the natural conditions that make it impossible for humans to live in. But because of this, many people want to know and experience the harsh nature of Antarctica for themselves. One of them is camping with emperor penguins at Patriot Hills Camp, which is located very close to the emperor penguin colony on the south coast of Weddel Sea. When else can you really feel like you're in the cartoon Happy Feet?

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