6 Amazing Historic Sites That You Must Visit in China


INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - As a country with one of the greatest civilizations in the world, China is famous for its various historical sites. Your trip to the Bamboo Curtain Country is not complete without visiting places of historical value. China is definitely a suitable destination in Asia for those of you who want to appreciate its rich cultural heritage.

If you are confused about choosing a historical place destination, consider visiting these six places as your first destination. 

The Great Wall


You must know that the Great Wall is an icon of the Bamboo Curtain Country. Located in Beijing, the Great Wall is renowned as the longest defense system in the world. Stretching for nearly 22,000 km, the Great Wall was built alternately by the leaders of several dynasties to protect territorial boundaries as well as the Silk Road.

Who built the Great Wall? Experts estimate that the construction of this wall began in the Pre-War Period (770 to 221 B.C.E.), and was continued by the emperors of the Qin, Han, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. The Chinese government in the modern era has also carried out restoration and repairs since 1957.

Walking the Great Wall of China is an amazing experience. You can see the beautiful surrounding scenery as well as the watchtower that rises every 500 m. Don't forget to walk along Mutianyu, the path with the best and most magnificent architectural conditions.

Forbidden City


History buffs shouldn't miss the Forbidden City on a trip to China. This gigantic building with a large courtyard was once the royal palace of the Ming and Qin Dynasties, and is now known as the largest palace complex in the world. The Forbidden City has about 980 buildings and more than 8,700 rooms.

Afraid of being tired while visiting? Focus your trip on the six main halls, plus the four most important minor halls, namely Yangxin Dian, Cining Gong, Wenyuan Ge, and Yanxi Gong. Don't forget to also visit the museum to see various luxurious artifacts, such as paintings, ceramics, sculptures, and calligraphy.

Mogao Cave


Located in Dunhuang, Mogao Caves is a haven for Buddhist-themed art. This area consists of 492 stone caves containing various statues, sculptures, and architecture made by Buddhist artists. There are recorded about 2,000 statues and cave wall paintings covering an area of ​​45,000 square meters. The various statues look very complicated and colorful, even though they are more than 1,500 years old.

When entering the main access, you will be greeted with a gate carved directly into the cave wall. Take about three to four hours if you want to see all the art objects.

Terracotta Army Museum


The Terracotta Army Museum is called one of the archaeological discoveries in China of the 20th century. Occupying an area of ​​22,780 square meters, this underground museum contains an impressively detailed collection of clay sculptures of warriors, horses and chariots. All lovers of Chinese history must visit this place.

The Terracotta Army Museum consists of several areas, including the largest area as large as an airplane hangar. Thousands of statues of armed soldiers stand facing east, a direction that represents the location of the Qin Dynasty's enemies. There were also two magnificent bronze chariots as well as various luxurious gold and silver ornaments.

Summer Palace


Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Haidan, Beijing. This place used to be a royal garden of the Qing Dynasty era which consists of a row of gardens, lakes, and small palaces. The Summer Palace was the imperial family's favorite place to spend the summer.

You must see the two iconic areas of the Summer Palace: Longevity Hill (Wanshou Shan) and Kunming Lake which has a curved stone bridge. Both areas are surrounded by beautiful buildings, such as the Wenchang Pavilion and Foxiang Ge Tower.

The Three Sites of Confucius


The name Confucius is no stranger to the development of Chinese civilization. His admirers must visit the Three Confucian Sites in Qufu. This place consists of the Confucius family cemetery, the magnificent Confucius Temple, as well as the 480-room Confucius family home and is the former residence of his descendants.

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