These are the 5 most cold-resistant animals in Russia

INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - There are certain animals that are able to survive in very extreme environments. One of them, Russia. In parts of Russia, the temperature can be very cold.

Yakutsk, for example, is the coldest city in the world with the coldest temperature ever reaching minus 71 degrees Celsius. However, there are certain animals that are cold-resistant and can do just fine in extreme temperatures. Anything?

1. Polar bears

Polar bears live dubbed as the largest carnivore. In Russia, polar bears roam the ice in search of prey. Namely seals. Its body size is indeed large, reaching 350 to 600 kilograms.

Well, unlike brown bears, polar bears almost never hibernate. A polar bear can swim up to 80 km in icy sea water non-stop.

2. Walrus

The walrus is one of the largest mammals in Russia. Also, the largest in the group of pinnipeds (fin legs). The body of this walrus is large and flabby, it is covered in brown skin and short hair except for the face and foot fins. Walruses also have small eyes, whiskers, and a pair of tusks.

An adult walrus can weigh up to 1,500 kilograms and a length of 3.2 meters. Warlus way protects itself from cold water, through a layer of fat called blubber. At the same time, so food reserves.

In Russia, the living warlus breed is the saber-toothed warlus. They can float and even sleep in the water. The blade teeth are useful for protecting predators such as polar bears and whales.

3. ring seal

Ring seals are quite large. The length can reach 85 cm to 160 cm, with a weight of 50 kg-90 kg. This seal has a slightly lighter color with ring motifs all over its body.

Ring seals spend most of their time in the water. They can sleep in water, also have extraordinary diving abilities. Including, swimming quickly and recognizing underwater conditions that resemble a maze. An adult seal can eat up to 1,000 kg of fish per year.

4. Yakut

The Yakut is a rare horse breed from the territory of the Sakha Republic (or Yakutia) in Siberia. Its size is quite large compared to similar horses such as the Mongolian horse and Przewalski's horse.

Yakutia are known to be adaptable to the very cold climate of Yakutia. They can find and eat plants hidden under layers of snow, also survive in temperatures that reach minus 70 Celsius.

5. Yakut Cow

Yakut cattle are very small in size. Only 120 cm tall, also very hairy. This cow can adapt to very extreme temperatures. What is unique, there is a viral video showing how this Yakut cow is wearing a bra designed to store its milk. Because, if not, the resulting milk will freeze.

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