INDONEWTRAVEL.COM - Animals that can change color in the wild are not just chameleons. A number of these animals are also known to have the ability to change color to camouflage from predatory prey.
In the wild the ability of animals to change color can be the key to survival. Many animals have found unique ways to maintain their own survival.
They may use these superpowers to disappear from their surroundings or to assert their dominance.
Some of these animals can change color in seconds. Reporting from World Atlas, the following animals can change color:
1. Spider Crab
The spider crab is an animal that changes color to hide from its prey. These spiders will change color to resemble the surface of the flower on which they sit through reflected light.
Some spiders release a yellow pigment that enhances their discoloration process. Examples of spider species with changing colors are Misumenoides formosipes and Misumenoides vatia.
The color change from white to yellow takes 10-25 days. Therefore, flower spiders patiently wait for the process to complete before they can attack their prey.
2. Seahorses
Seahorses are known as unique animals that have the ability to change color. The purpose of changing their skin color is to camouflage, scare off predators, communicate their emotions, and to lure their mates.
The complex interactions between the brain, nervous system, hormones and organelles allow seahorses to change color. The organelles responsible for this color change are known as chromatophores.
Regarding the speed of skin discoloration, this depends on the stimulus. For example, in an emergency situation from predatory prey, the color changes quickly. It's different when you're looking for a partner, the change happens slowly.
3. Pacific Tree Frog
The Pacific Tree Frog inhabiting North America has sticky foot pads. The sticky foot pads allow them to climb trees and plants.
The Pacific Tree Frog is also one of those animals that can change color to blend in with its environment. Color change is a defense mechanism against predators such as raccoons, toads, snakes, storks, and many others.
The Pacific Tree Frog also changes color based on the season and temperature. When the temperature is high, they turn a yellow color. An example of a species of Pacific Tree Frog that changes color is Hyla regilla. The color changing process in Pacific Tree Frogs takes 1-2 minutes.
4. Chameleon
Chameleons are known as animals that can change color in less than half a minute with the help of special cells in their skin. Some of these are "skin chromatophores" that contain pigment and are shaped like asterisks decorated with long extensions.
This animal is a unique species of lizard that has the ability to camouflage with its surroundings. Sometimes chameleons also change color when angry or scared.
To change their color, the chameleon adjusts to a special layer of cells under its skin. Others change color in response to humidity, light, and temperature.
Chameleons never stop growing. They keep molting from time to time. In addition, chameleons have excellent eyesight which is characterized by 360-degree arc vision. Even though chameleons don't hear, their bodies detect sounds around them.
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