15 Best Tourist Attractions in Malaysia

As one of the countries located in Southeast Asia and adjacent to Indonesia, Malaysia offers two very different experiences, namely on the peninsula and Kalimantan. The peninsula or West Malaysia part is a mix of Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures with an efficient and modern capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, adjacent to Borneo features some of Malaysia's most interesting places with wild jungles, orangutans, granite peaks and remote tribes. Some of these things combined with some of the beautiful islands, luxury resorts and colonial cities, Malaysia. Based on these things, Malaysia is a country that you must visit during the holiday season.

However, if you don't know about which locations you should visit, then here are the 15 best tourist attractions in Malaysia that you can use as a reference.

1. | Mulu Cave

The cave, located in the Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia, has an amazingly beautiful karst formation nestled among the beautiful wilderness. The Sarawak Chamber found in one of the underground caverns is the largest cave chamber in the world. It is said that the space is so large that it can accommodate about 40 Boeing 747s. In addition, in this cave there is also a large colony of Wrinkle-lipped bats in the nearby Deer Cave that come out almost every night to hunt. Some of these factors make Mulu Cave the best tourist spot in Malaysia for those of you who like the outdoors as a theme.

2. | Gading Mount National Park

Lovers of the flora world will certainly be delighted when visiting Gunung Gading National Park, this is because this location is home to the world's largest flower growing. In this national park, there are Rafflesia flowers that can grow up to three meters and die after a few days. However, the good news is that they can flower at any time of the year, although the best time is November to January. In addition, this national park also has several beautiful beaches, stretching mountains, and forests that are suitable for hiking activities.

3. | Perhentian Island

Perhentian Island is one of the best tourist attractions in Malaysia, located off the northeast coast not far from the Thai border. This island is a must-visit tourist spot in Malaysia because it has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the best dive sites with complete accommodation.

4. | Kek Lok Si. Temple

Kek Lo Si is a relatively new temple, built in 1891. Nevertheless, Kek Lok Si is known as the most important Chinese Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia. Kek Lok Si is also called the Temple of Supreme Happiness, it has an impressive view, with many Buddha images and other symbols. It is the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia and attracts tourists from all over Southeast Asia every day.

5. Manukan Island

Manukan is the second largest island in Tunku Abdul National Park, Malaysia's first marine national park which is perfect for water sports lovers. This island is located in the state of Sabah, east Malaysia, with its beautiful beaches. On this island, you can do scuba diving and snorkeling activities while enjoying the beauty of the amazing offshore coral reefs.

6. | Langkawi

The Langkapi Archipelago is known as one of the best tourist attractions in Malaysia. In this archipelago there are 99 islands in the amazing Andaman Sea. The islands are part of the state of Kedah, which borders the Thai border. It has many white sandy beaches, surrounded by forests and steep hills and mountain peaks, making this archipelago a suitable place for nature lovers. The most popular beaches can be found on the west coast with a wide selection of restaurants as well as some of the best resorts to choose from.

7. | Batu Cave

When you visit Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur, you will be greeted with some amazing Hindu art. The three main caves that make up the Batu Caves make it the most popular Hindu temple outside India, and attract thousands of worshipers at Thaipusam, an annual Hindu festival. In addition, there is also a giant statue of an amazing Hindu god.

8. | Petronas Twin Towers

The iconic landscape is a must visit when you are in Kuala Lumpur. The Petronas Twin Towers have 88 floors built mostly of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass frame designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion. In addition, the Petronas Twin Towers also have a beautiful sky bridge between the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floors.

9. | Star Hill

Star Hill is a very popular main shopping district in Kuala Lumpur. In this district, there are several malls, including Benaya Times Square, one of the largest malls in the world and has an indoor theme park. In addition, this district is filled with several high-end malls that specialize in selling electronic goods. After a day of shopping, you can relax in the cafes or nightclubs in the surrounding district.

10. | Mount Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu has 4,095 meters (13 so it is known as the highest mountain in Kalimantan. In addition, this mountain is also very popular because of its extraordinary biodiversity and biology. On Mount Kinabalu there are more than 600 species of ferns, 326 species of birds, and 100 species of mammals The main peak of the mountain can be climbed easily by someone in good physical condition, and requires no mountaineering equipment although climbers must be accompanied by a guide when doing so.

11. | Redang Island

For beach lovers, Redang Island is the right location to visit. Redang Island is a top tourist spot in Malaysia, with its white sand beaches and crystal clear sea waters that make it popular with the dive community around the world. Pulau Redang is one of nine islands in a marine reserve in Malaysia where accommodation is mostly resort style. Enjoying the underwater scenery on this island is an experience that you will never forget.

12. | Sipadan Island

Sipadan is a paradise for divers in Malaysia. The island was formed by living coral atop an extinct volcano. Due to its rich marine life, this place is one of the best diving spots in the world. Sipadan has more than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of different corals, all waiting to be explored. Divers can find hawksbill and green turtles, manta rays and whale sharks. In addition to the amazing underwater nature, this island also has beautiful beaches that you must visit.

13. | Cameron Highlands

The hills, which were developed by the British in the 1920s, are one of the best tourist attractions in Malaysia. At this location, there are more than 34,000 people consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnic groups. Cameron Highlands is famous for its trails. The trail leads visitors through the forest to waterfalls and other tranquil spots. Apart from walking in the forest, this location is also famous for its tea plantations.

14. | Tioman Island

This island, which is located off the east coast of peninsula Malaysia, is a small island that must be visited. choose Tioman This island has also been named one of the most beautiful islands in the world in the 1970s by Time Magazine. Since this time, the flow of tourists began to surge to this island. Tioman i Island is surrounded by many white coral reefs, making it a paradise for scuba divers and there is a dense forest around it.

15. | Bako National Park

This National Park is known as a popular tourist spot in Malaysia for nature lovers. This national park is located in the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo. On this island, you can see wildlife, rainforest, amazing waterfalls, beautiful beaches. The park's biggest attraction, however, is the odd-nosed proboscis monkey, although it is rare and hard to spot. In addition, this national park also has extraordinary natural trails so it is very suitable as a place for hiking activities.

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