5 Feel-Good Sustainable Tourism Ideas to Do in Bali

There's nothing like a tranquil trip to Bali. With its vast landscape, peaceful villages, and friendly locals, the island of gods always seems to be on top of people's traveling bucket list. 

Here are 5 dreamy inspirations for an eco-friendly trip to Bali!
1 | Sight: cycle around to explore the vibrant surroundings in Ubud

Start your journey to Bali's heart of culture: Ubud. Take your bike, or rent one, and cycle around Ubud's seductive nature and vibrant surroundings. Explore the city and pass through the artsy markets. One of which is the ever-popular Ubud Art Market. As you go through the colorful scenery, let your eyes linger in the view. Sight their different vivid art pieces, paintings, and handicrafts. You can stop to explore more of this traditional market, or continue your cycling adventure!

As you paddle around Ubud, Bali, you can also glimpse Saraswati Temple. Park your bike and enter the majestic area. Set your eyes around the scenic lotus pond with its intricate traditional temples. Spot the stunning lotus flower, with its striking pink color. The view of the majestic Balinese Hindu temple and the lotus pond are memorable to the eyes. A dreamy long look at Ubud's culture and nature will leave you rejuvenated.

Don’t forget to explore the village area as well. Cycle around the lush villages in Ubud and nearby villages and absorb the natural views of rice-fields and forests. Sounds like a fun thing to do, right?
2 | Sound: tune in to the soothing sounds of Rindik instrument

Let yourself be in tune with Bali’s soothing traditional music of rindik. This traditional Balinese musical instrument is made from bamboo, generally presenting 11 pieces. As the players hit the bamboo, hear the relaxing beats, creating soft unique music to pleasure your ears. Notice the harmony between these rindik musical instruments and other complimentary sounds of flutes, gongs, and ceng-ceng. Feel the calmness of Bali and listen closely to the soothing rhythm of rindik.
3 | Savour: freshly picked ingredients to enjoy on the dining table at Moksa Ubud

Discover sustainable tourism in delicious cuisines at Moksa Ubud. Unlike other restaurants, Moksa Ubud serves holistic raw dishes that are both eco-friendly and mouthwatering. They handpick their ingredients right from their garden, creating delicious, wholesome dishes. Start your tasty cuisine journey with their sesame tempeh served with vermicelli salad, mango, and lemongrass-tamarind dressing. Take a bite of its crispy, savory tempeh combined with the tanginess of the salad—a refreshing beginning for your taste buds to explore.

For the main course, a dish of eggplant rendang will fill your hearty appetite. Taste the creamy, spicy coconut milk of its vegan rendang. Even the side dishes of turmeric rice, braised greens, and fresh kimchi will leave you wanting more. Have a bite of its soft warm turmeric rice and crispy kimchi. Feel the burst of flavors in your mouth as you discover the taste of spice, savory seasonings, and zest.

Then top it all off with a delicious black rice pudding. Let your taste buds feel the cool sweetness of the Balinese black rice pudding. Taste the hint of cinnamon and pandan leaf with its ripe jackfruit coconut sauce. Then take a spoonful of its rich coconut vanilla ice cream and savor in the sweetness. Their delicious menus are a perfect fit for a responsible traveler.
Moksa Ubud

Address: Ubud II Kutuh, Jl. Puskesmas, Sayan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571
Instagram: @moksaubud
4 | Scent: let the refreshing air of Bali fill your happiness at Taman Sari Buwana

There's nothing like the scent of fresh air in Bali's rural areas. To explore your sense of smell around Bali, visit Taman Sari Buwana. You can experience the island's local surroundings and discover the daily life of a Balinese. As you get involved in their farming activities, notice Bali's clean air with its refreshing rice terrace landscape.

Then learn its culture by making your very own canang sari, a palm-leaf basket filled with different elements of offerings. Breathe in the cool refreshing air as you create a ceper or box-shaped item made from a coconut leaf, betel nut, and lime. Observe the smell of zest spread in the atmosphere while you finish your canang sari base. Inside this small box are elements of offerings. Scent the sweet fragrance of different flowers as you put different colored petals inside. When you finish your canang sari, take a deep breath and let its tradition sink in. It's all part of discovering sustainable travel.
Taman Sari Buwana

Address: Br. Beng Utara Desa Tunjuk, Tabanan - Bali

5 | Sense: feel the textured gringsing tenun at Tenganan Village

Enjoy sustainable tourism with a closer look at traditional Balinese textiles in Tenganan Village, Karangasem. Meet the locals and observe their intricate skills in forming a unique textured hand woven gringsing textiles. Discover a trick or two on weaving when you get a chance to learn with the locals. Grasp their traditional weaving tools, as they teach you how to weave. Then feel the thread create such sophisticated gringsing tenun. Let your hands sense the traditions and beauty of Bali's stunning textiles!
Sustainable travel tips in Bali:

Creating sustainable tourism needs complete collaboration. It all starts with you. Here are 3 travel tips to try while exploring Bali: 

Pack reusable items

Sustainable tourism means a trip with zero-waste. To start this journey, pack your favorite reusable items. This includes your water bottle, eating utensils, reusable bags, food containers, and sustainable personal care items. Packing these necessary items can make a difference in the environment!

Pack lightly

This goes to our next tip: pack lightly. When you travel using an airplane, the more weight you bring, the more carbon footprint you leave. To avoid this, bring essential items you need during your trip. If it's difficult, try to ask yourself if you'll use this more than once during your travel. If yes, then bring it with you. If not, leave it aside. The best part about this is, you won't be in a hassle when packing lightly.

Limit energy usage in the hotel 

Though you’re having fun and relaxing, it is also essential to limit energy consumption while in the hotel. Avoid getting clean towels when it’s unnecessary, limit yourself from taking long showers and remember to turn off any electrical appliances when you are not using them. These simple actions will decrease energy usage in the accommodation.

Let’s make a commitment in creating sustainable tourism. It all starts with simple changes of basic sustainable travel tips. Dream an eco-friendly vacation to Bali and start your journey as a responsible traveler. Don’t forget to always implement CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability) protocols and keep these habits intact when you’re planning a trip to Indonesia.

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